Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
Washington, D.C.
September 8-10, 2004
Thursday, September 9, 2004, 9:15 am (Amphitheater)
Session Chair: Coy Kouba, NASA Johnson Space CenterTo file: p135_johnson_p.pdf
Submission 198 (Session P) and (Session F)
"Design and Analysis of Parallel N-Queens on Reconfigurable Hardware with Handel-C and MPI"
Vikas Aggarwal, Ian A. Troxel1, and Alan D. George
University of Florida
Abstract: aggarwal_a.pdf
Presentation: p198_aggarwal_s.pptSubmission 171
"Design of Fast and Efficient Hybrid-FPGAs for Numerically Intensive Applications in Fluid Dynamics and Image/Video Processing"
A. Akoglu, Aravind R. Dasu, and S. Panchanathan
Arizona State University
Short Abstract: akoglu_short_a.pdf
Abstract: akoglu_a.pdf
Presentation: p171_akoglu_poster.pptSubmission 182 (Session P) and (Session J)
"An Unobtrusive Debugging Methodology for Actel AX and RTAX-S FPGAs"
Jonathan Alexander
Actel Corp.
Abstract: alexander_a.pdf
Presentation: p182_alexander_s.pptSubmission 221 (Session P) and (Session L)
"An Analytical Approach for Soft Error Rate Estimation of SRAM-Based FPGAs"
Ghazanfar Asadi and Mehdi B. Tahoori
Northeastern University
Abstract: asadi_a.pdf
Presentation: p221_asadi_poster.ppt and p221_asadi_s.ppt
Paper: p221_asadi_p.pdfSubmission 1003
"Reliability Studies on Aeroflexs RadHard ViaLink PROM"
Brian Baranski, Anthony Jordan, and Craig Hafer
Aeroflex Colorado Springs
Abstract: baranski_a.doc
Presentation: p1003_baranski_s.pptSubmission 130
"DC/DC Switching Power Converter with Radiation Hardened Digital Control based on SRAM FPGAs"
F. Baronti1, P. C. Adell2, W. T. Holman2, R. D. Schrimpf2, L. W. Massengill2, A. Witulski2, M. Ceschia3
1University of Pisa
2Vanderbilt University
3University of Padova
Abstract: baronti_a.doc
Presentation: p130_holman_poster.ppt
Paper: p130_baronti_p.pdfSubmission 218 (Session P) and (Session S)
"A Proposed Methodology of Verification for Field Programmable Gate Arrays within the Aerospace Industry"
Melanie Berg
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
Abstract: berg_1_a.doc
Presentation: p218_berg_s.pptSubmission 141
"Single Event Effects Testing of the Atmel SpaceWire Protocol Chip"
Stephen Buchner, Mark Walter and Moses McCall
Abstract: buchner_a.doc
Presentation: p141_buchner_s.pptSubmission 138 (Session P)
"Reduction of the Thermo stable Radiation Defects Probability Formation in Si and SiGe as a Physical Basis of the Bipolar npn Transistors Radiation Hardness Increase at the Application of the Radiation & Thermal Processing (RTP- technology)"
S.V. Bytkin
Ukraine, Zaporozhye
Abstract: bytkin_a.doc, bytkin_a_short.doc
Presentation: p138_bytkin_s.ppt
Paper: p138_bytkin_p.docSubmission 151
"Embedded System for Brushless Motor Control in Space Applications"
G. C. Caprini1, F. Innocenti2, L. Fanucci3, S. Ricci2, G. Taraschi2, P. Terreni3, M. Tonarelli3, L. Tosi2
1 Galileo Avionica
2 Cesvit Microelettronica
3 University of Pisa
Abstract: caprini_c.pdf
Presentation: p151_caprini_poster.ppt
Paper: p151_caprini_p.pdfSubmission 189 (Session P) and (Session L)
"A Triple Module Redundancy Scheme for Static Latch-Based FPGAs"
Carl Carmichael, Brendan Bridgford and Jason Moore
Xilinx, Inc.
Abstract: carmichael_a.doc
Presentation: p189_carmichael_s.pptSubmission 113 (Session P) and (Session S)
"Verification and Validation of Programmable Logic Devices"
James A. Cercone1, Michael A. Beims2, and Kenneth G. McGill3
1 West Virginia University Institute of Technology
2 Science Applications International Corporation
3 National Aeronautics and Space Administrations IV&V Facility
Abstract: mcgill_a.doc
Presentation: p113_cercone_s.ppt
Paper: p113_cercone_p.docSubmission 1006 and (Session S)
"Exploiting FPGAs for Sensor Fusion"
Steve Chappell1, Alistair Macarthur1, Dan Preston2, Dave Olmstead2 and Bob Flint3
1Celoxica Ltd, Oxfordshire, U.K.
2Medius Inc., Seattle, WA
3BAE SYSTEMS Ventures, Farnborough, U.K.
Abstract: chappell_a.html
Presentation: p1006_chappell_p.pdfSubmission 1010:
"Experimental Performance Evaluation for Reconfigurable Computer Systems: The Gram Benchmarks"
Esmail Chitalwals, Tarek El-Ghazawi, Kris Gag, and Nikitas Alexandridis
Abstract: chitalwala_a.doc
Presentation: p1010_chitalwala_s.pptSubmission 228
"An Automated System for Floating- to Fixed-Point Conversion of High Performance of MATLAB Algorithms in FPGAs and ASICs"
Eric Cigan and Robert Anderson
AccelChip, Inc.
Abstract: cigan_a.doc
Presentation: p228_cigan_s.pptSubmission 175
"Design of Modems on FPGAs Using Simulink: A Great Tool for the Signal Processing Engineer"
Bradley B Comar
MITRE: Signal Processing Center
Abstract: comar_a.doc
Presentation: p175_comar_s.pptSubmission 111 (Session P) and (Session S)
"Mars Exploration Rovers and the Spirit SOL-18 Anomaly: NASA IV&V Involvement"
Ken Costello
NASA Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Facility
Abstract: costello_a.html
Presentation: ?????????????????????Submission 184
"Radiation Hardened, Ultra Low Power, High Performance Space Computer Leveraging COTS Microelectronics with SEE Mitigation"
David Czajkowski, Murat Goksel, Praveen Samudrala, Michael Viehman, and Manish Pagey
Space Micro Inc.
Abstract: czajkowski_a.pdf
Presentation: ???????????????????????Submission 1011
"An automated pipeline balancing in the SRC Reconfigurable Computer and its application to the RC5 cipher breaking"
Hatim Diab1, Miaoqing Huang1, Kris Gaj2, Tarek El-Ghazawi1, Nikitas Alexandridis1
1 The George Washington University
2 George Mason University
Abstract: diab_a.doc
Presentation: p1011_diab_s.pptSubmission 223 (Session P) and (Session F)
"Graphical Design Environment for a Reconfigurable Processor"
Gregory Donohoe1, Tu Le1, David Buehler1, and Pen-Shu Yeh2
1 University of Idaho
2 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Abstract: donohoe_a.html
Presentation: p223_donohoe_s.ppt
Paper: p223_donohoe_p.pdfSubmission 222 (Session P) and (Session L)
"Maintaining Data Integrity in Programmable Logic in Extreme Radiation Environments Through Error Detection Techniques"
Amr El-Ashmawi
Altera Corporation
Abstract: el-ashmawi_a.doc
Presentation: p222_seely_s.pptSubmission 139 (Session P) and (Session L)
"The NSEU Sensitivity of Static Latch Based FPGAs and Flash Storage Devices"
Joe Fabula, Austin Lesea and Saar Drimer
Xilinx Corp.
Abstract: fabula_a.doc
Presentation: p139_fabula_s.pptSubmission 191
"A Power Efficient Image Convolution Engine for Field Programmable Gate Arrays"
Matthew French
University of Southern California
Abstract: french_a.pdf
Presentation: p191_french_s.ppt
Paper: p191_french_p.docSubmission 1004
"A VHDL Implementation of an Onboard Autonomy Solution"
Leo Hartman
Canadian Space Agency
Abstract: hartman_a.html
Presentation: p1004_hartman_s.pptSubmission 178
"A Platform-Based Approach to Code Portability for FPGA-based Signal Processing Subsystems in Software Defined Radios"
Jim Hwang
Xilinx, Inc.
Abstract: hwang_a.doc
Presentation: p178_jhwang_s.pdf
Paper: p178_jhwang_p.pdfSubmission 230 (Session P) and (Session F)
"Elliptic Curve Cryptography over GF(2m) on a Reconfigurable Computer: Polynomial Basis vs. Optimal Normal Basis Representation Comparative Study"
Kris Gaj, Sashisu Bajracharya, Chang Shu, Sang Han George Mason University
Tarek El-Ghazawi The George Washington University
Abstract: gaj.doc
Presentation: p230_gaj_s.pptSubmission 188
"Accelerated Digital Signal Processing Algorithms for FPGA Design"
Sean Gallagher
Xilinx, Inc.
Abstract: gallagher_a.doc
Presentation: p188_gallagher_s.pptSubmission 140
"A High Performance Field Programmable Gate Array for Gigahertz Applications"
Jong-Ru Guo1, C. You1, M. Chu1, K. Zhou1, J. Diao1, B. Goda2, R. P. Kraft1 and J. F. McDonald1
1 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2 United States Military Academy
Abstract: guo_a.pdf
Presentation: p140_guo_s.pptSubmission 193 (Session P) and (Session F)
"Hardware-based Image Retrieval and Classifier System"
Jason C. Isaacs, Joe Petrone, and Simon Y. Foo
Florida A&M University - Florida State University
Abstract: isaacs_a.pdf
Presentation: p193_isaacs_s.pdfSubmission 1005
"Evaluating Logic Resources Utilization in an FPGA-Based TMR CPU"
Ricardo Jasinski
Federal Center of Technological Education of Parana
Abstract: jasinksi_a.pdf
Presentation: p1005_jasinski_poster.pdf
Paper: p1005_jasinski_p.docSubmission 174
"Experiences in the Development of an FPGA Based Radiation Tolerant Design"
Mark Jones1 and Robert Klenke2
1 NASA Langley Research Center
2 Virginia Commonwealth University
Abstract: jones_a.doc
Presentation: p174_jones_s.pptSubmission 224 (Session P) and (Session S)
"Reliability-Aware OS Support for FPGA-Based Systems"
Mahmut Kandemir, G. Chen, and Feihui Li
Pennsylvania State University
Abstract: kandemir_a.pdf
Presentation: p224_kandemir_s.pptSubmission 207
"Design of Memory Systems for Spaceborne Computers"
Rich Katz
NASA Office of Logic Design
Presentation: p207_katz_s.pptSubmission 1002 (Session P) and (Session J)
"Propagation Delay Stability in Logic Devices"
Rich Katz
NASA Office of Logic Design
Abstract: katz3_a.html
Presentation: p1002_katz_s.pptSubmission 179
"Monte Carlo Analysis of Uncertain Digital Circuits"
Houssain Kettani
Jackson State University
Abstract: kettani_a.pdf
Presentation: p179_kettani_s.ppt
Paper: p179_kettani_p.pdfSubmission 1012 (Session P)
"Observations in Characterizing a Commercial MNOS EEPROM for Space"
E. E. King, R. C. Lacoe, G. Eng, and M.S. Leung
The Aerospace Corporation
Abstract: king_a.doc
Presentation: p1012_king_s.ppt
Paper: p1012_king_p.docSubmission 103 (Session P) and (Session J)
"The Negative Impact of Lead-Free Products on Aerospace and Military Electronics Reliability"
Andrew D. Kostic1 and Charlie 2
1 Northrop-Grumman
2 BMPCOE/Willcor
Abstract: kostic_a.doc
Presentation: p103_kostic_s.pptSubmission 206
"Chip Carrier Package As An Alternative for Known Good Die"
Raymond Kuang, Ravenal Sampan, and Lijie Zhao
Actel Corporation
Abstract: kuang_a.pdf
Presentation: p206_kuang_s.ppt
Paper: p206_kuang_p.pdfSubmission 119
"A Generic Component Based Expert System Shell for Airborne Equipment Design"
B. Ramesh Kumar1, S. Janarthanan2, R. Santhi Seela2, and J. Shanmugam1
1 Madras Institute of Technology
2 DRDO, India
Abstract: kumar_a.doc
Presentation: p119_kumar_s.ppt
Paper: p119_kumar_p.docSubmission 1013 (Session P)
"NASA FPGA Needs and Activities"
Ken LaBel
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Abstract: label_a.html
Presentation: p1013_label_s.pptSubmission 126 (Session P) and (Session J)
"Low Temperature Life Test Effects on the Aeroflex ViaLink FPGA"
Ron Lake
Aeroflex Colorado Springs
Abstract: lake_1_a.doc
Presentation: p126_lake_s.pptSubmission 150
"Effects of Device Packaging and PC Board Materials on Radiation Dose in the Die"
Edward R. Long, Jr.
Longhill Technologies, Inc.
Abstract: long_a.pdf
Presentation: p150_long_p.pptSubmission 194 (Session P) and (Session F)
"A Methodology for System-on-a-Programmable-Chip Resources Utilization"
Sin Ming Loo1 and Simon Y. Foo2
1 Boise State University
2 Florida A&M University Florida State University
Abstract: loo_a.pdf
Presentation: p194_loo_s.ppt, p194_loo_s.pdfSubmission 208 (Session P)
"DMA Controller for a Credit-Card Size Satellite Onboard Computer"
Michael Meier1, Tanya Vladimirova2, Tim Plant1 and Alex da Silva Curiel1
1 University of Surrey, Guildford
2 Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. and Surrey Space Centre*
Abstract: meier_a.doc
Presentation: p208_meier_s.ppt
Paper: p208_meier_p.docSubmission 201
"Adaptive Data Analysis and Processing Technology (ADAPT) for Spacecraft"
Carl S. Mills1, Kim R. Fowler2, M. Ann Garrison-Darrin2, Harry A. C. Eaton2
1 NASA Langley Research Center
2 Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Laboratory
Abstract: mills_a.doc, mills_a.html
Presentation: p201_mills_s.pptSubmission 115
"Utility Model for Minimizing Risk"
Chandru Mirchandani
Lockheed Martin
Abstract: mirchandani_a.doc
Presentation: p115_mirchandani_s.ppt
Paper: p115_mirchandani_p.docSubmission 204 (Session P) and (Session S)
"Implementing Rule Checking Early in the Design Cycle to Reduce Design Iterations and Verification Time"
Kent Moffat
Mentor Graphics Corporation
Abstract: moffat_a.doc
Presentation: p204_moffat_s.pptSubmission 131
"Single Event Effect (SEE) Analysis, Test & Mitigation of the Xilinx Virtex-II Input Output Block (IOB)"
Mathew Napier1, Jason 2, Sana Rezgui2, C. Carmichael2, J. George3, and G. Swift4
1 Sandia National Laboratories
2 Xilinx
3 The Aerospace Corporation
4 California Institute of Technology/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Abstract: napier_a.doc
Presentation: p131_napier_s.pptSubmission 176
"FFT Mapping on MathStar's FPOATM FilterBuilder Platform"
Pius Ng and David Zhao
MathStar, Incorporated
Abstract: ng_a.pdf
Presentation: p176_zhao_s.pptSubmission 181 (Session P) and (Session L)
"SEFI Mitigation Technique for COTS Microprocessors: Demonstration Using Proton Irradiation Experiments"
Manish P. Pagey, David Czajkowski, Praveen Samudrala, and David Strobel
Space Micro Inc.
Abstract: pagey_a.pdf
Presentation: p181_pagey_s.pdfSubmission 165
"Space-Qualified Radiation-Hardened FPGA's: A Successful Collaboration Continues"
Dinu Patel1, L. Rockett1, S. Danziger1, B. Cronquist2, J. McCollum2, and J.J. Wang2
1 BAE Systems
2 Actel Corp.
Abstract: patel_a.doc
Presentation: p165_patel_s.pdfSubmission 120 (Session P) and (Session J)
"Maintaining Data Integrity in EEPROMs"
Ed Patnaude
Maxwell Technologies
Abstract: patnaude_a.pdf
Presentation: p120_patnaude_s.pptSubmission 225
"An FPGA-Based Real Time Power System Simulator for Power Electronics"
Julio C. G. Pimentel, H. Le-Huy, and G.Sybille
Cisco Systems, Ottawa
Abstract: pimentel_a.doc
Presentation: p225_pimentel_s.pptSubmission 202 (Session G)
"Lunar Module Attitude Controller Assembly Input Processing"
Jose Portillo
Paper: portillo_p.pdf
Presentation: p202_portillo_s.ppt
Paper: p202_portillo_p.pdfSubmission 226 (Session P)
"Virtex II Pro SEE Test Methods and Results"
David Petrick1, Wesley Powell1, James Howard2
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
2Jackson & Tull, Seabrook, MD 20706
Abstract: powell_a.doc
Presentation: p226_powell_s.ppt
Paper: p226_powell_p.docSubmission 162
"Development and Demonstration of a Non-Volatile 4Mbit Chalcogenide Random Access Memory"
S. Ramaswamy1, B. Li1, J. Rodgers1, L. Burcin1, J. Maimon2, and K. Hunt3
2 Ovonyx
3 Air Force Research Labs/VSSE
Abstract: ramaswamy_a.doc
Presentation: ????????????????????Submission 196 (Session P) and (Session F)
"A Case Study in HW/SW Codesign and Project Risk Management: The Honeywell Reconfigurable Space Computer (HRSC)"
Jeremy Ramos1 and Ian A. Troxel2
1 Honeywell Space Systems Inc.
2 University of Florida
Abstract: ramos_a.doc
Presentation: p196_ramos_s.pptSubmission 148
"Is Scaling the Correct Approach for Radiation Hardened Conversions of Deep Submicron Microprocessors?"
D. Rea, D. Bayles, A. Kazemzadeh, F. Thoma, and N. Haddad
BAE Systems
Abstract: rea_a.doc
Presentation: p148_rea_s.pptSubmission 136 (Session P) and (Session L)
"Evaluation of Power Costs in Applying TMR to FPGA Designs"
Nathan Rollins1,Michael J. Wirthlin1, and Paul Graham2
1Brigham Young University
2 Los Alamos National Laboratory
Abstract: rollins_a.pdf
Presentation: p136_rollins_s.ppt; p136_rollins_s.pdf
Paper: p136_rollins_p.pdfSubmission 108
"A Re-programmable Platform For Dynamic Burn-in Test of Xilinx Virtex-II (XQR2V3000) FPGA For Military and Aerospace Applications"
Ramin Roosta1, Xinchen Wang2, Michael Sadigursky3, and Phil Tracton3
1 California Institute of Technology/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
2 Ixia Communications
3 California State University, Northridge
Presentation: p108_roosta_s.ppt
Paper: p108_roosta_p.docSubmission 149 (Session P) and (Session J)
"Effective Post-Programming Screening of Antifuse FPGAs for Space Applications"
Yasuo Sakaide, Kimiharu Kariu, Kenji Numata, Akihisa Tsukino, Mikihiko Urano, Kenichi Chiba, Kenji sugimoto, Yoshihisa Tsuchiya, and Toshifumi Arimitsu
High Reliability Components Corporation
Short Abstract: sakaide_short_a.doc
Presentation: p149_sakaide_s.ppt
Paper: p149_sakaide_p.docSubmission: 1008
"RHrFPGA Radiation-Hardened re-programmable Field-Programmable Gate Array"
A.B. Sanders1, K.A. LaBel1, J.F. McCabe1, G.A. Gardner2, J. Lintz2, and C. Ross2
2 Honeywell, Defense and Space Electronics Systems Clearwater, FL 33764-7290
Abstract: sanders_a.doc
Presentation: p1008_sanders_s.pptSubmission 180 (Session P) and (Session F)
"A HW/SW Co-design Tool for Modern FPGA's with FPGA-Embedded Processors"
Jason Scott1, Ted Bapty1, Sandeep Neema1, Brandon Eames1, Andrew Vandivort2, Sarir Khamsi2, Troy Gangwer2
1 Vanderbilt University
2 Raytheon
Abstract: scott_jason_a.doc
Presentation: p180_scott_s.ppt
Paper: p180_scott_p.docSubmission 107
"Launcher Homing UAV"
E.Vinod Shankar and Vinoo Kaarthick .M
Anna University, India
Abstract: shankar_a.doc
Presentation: p107_kaarthick_s.pptSubmission 104
"Design Verification Method for Radiation Hardness using Simulation Farms"
Alec G. Stanculescu1 and Alex N.D. Zamfirescu2
1 Fintronic USA, Inc.
2 Alternative System Concepts, Inc.
Abstract: stanculescu_a.txt
Presentation: p104_stanculescu_s.pptSubmission 187
"High-Performance SEE-Hardened Programmable DSP Array"
Victor Tang, James Lan, Duncan Lam, Larry McMurchie, and Carl Sechen
University of Washington
Abstract: tang_a.doc
Presentation: p187_tang_s.pptSubmission 105
"Efficient FPGA Implementation of PWM Core"
Sharmelee Thangjam1, Dr Sanjay Attri2, and B. S. Sohi1
1 Panjab University
Abstract: thangjam_a.doc
Presentation: p105_thangjam_s.pptSubmission 205
"Mapping of Scalable RDMA Protocols to ASIC/FPGA Platforms"
Yosef Gavriel Tirat-Gefen
Castel Systems Inc.
Abstract: tiratgefen_a.doc
Presentation: p205_tirat_s.pptSubmission 164 (Session P) and (Session F)
"Acceleration of Traffic Simulation on Reconfigurable Hardware"
Justin L. Tripp, Henning S. Mortveit, and Maya Gokhale
Los Alamos National Labs
Abstract: tripp_a.pdf
Presentation: p164_tripp_s.pdf
Paper: p164_tripp_p.pdfSubmission 133
"Implementation of High-Rate JPEG2000 Coding on a Virtex-2 Pro Reconfigurable Computing Board"
Damon Van Buren
SEAKR Engineering Inc.
Abstract: van_buren_a.doc
Presentation: p133_vanburen_s.pptSubmission 190
"Total Dose and Single Event Tests and Results of a Radiation Tolerant 0.15 µm Antifuse-based FPGA"
J. J. Wang1, B. Cronquist1, J. McCollum1, R. Gorgis1, R. Katz2, and I. Kleyner3
1 Actel Corporation
2 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
3 Orbital Science, Greenbelt, MD20771
Abstract: wang_jj_a.doc
Presentation: p190_wang_s.pptSubmission 166
"A Parameterized Floating-Point Library Applied to Multispectral Image Clustering"
Xiaojun Wang, Miriam Leeser, Haiqian Yu
Northeastern University
Abstract: wang_x_a.pdf
Presentation: p166_wang_s.pptSubmission 146 (Session G)
"Apollo Guidance Computer Low Level Simulator"
Julian Webb
University of the West of England, Bristol
Abstract: webb_a.doc
Presentation: p146_webb_s.pptSubmission 1014
"Reconfigurable Linux for Spaceflight Applications"
John Williams and Neil Bergmann
School of ITEE, The University of Queensland
Abstract: williamsj_a.pdf
Presentation: p1014_williams_s.pptSubmission 106
"Application and Experience of CAN as a Low Cost OBDH Bus System"
Adrian Woodroffe and Paul Madle
Surrey Satellite Technologies Ltd
Abstract: woodroffe_a.pdf
Presentation: p106_woodroffe_s.ppt
Paper: p106_woodroffe_p.pdfSubmission 155
"Reliability Improving Approach with Opto-Based Voting System"
Yoshimitsu Yanagawa1, T. Takahara2, T. Mizuno2,3, and H. Saito3
1 University of Tokyo
2 Sokendai, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
3 The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA
Abstract: yanagawa_a.pdf
Presentation: p155_yanagawa_s.ppt
Paper: p155_yanagawa_p.pdfSubmission 183
"A Reconfigurable Computing Model for Biological Research Application of Smith-Waterman Analysis to Bacterial Genomes"
J. Yardley and K. Gilson
Starbridge Systems
Abstract: yardley_a.doc
Presentation: p183_yardley_s.ppt
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