NASA Office of Logic Design

NASA Office of Logic Design

A scientific study of the problems of digital engineering for space flight systems,
with a view to their practical solution.

2004 MAPLD International Conference

Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
Washington, D.C.

September 8-10, 2004

Seminar: VHDL Synthesis for High-Reliability Systems


"VHDL Synthesis for High-Reliability Systems"  will be a full-day, 6 hour seminar held on Tuesday, September 7, 2004.  It will start at 9:30 am.  Break service and lunch will be provided.  A working knowledge of VHDL, logic synthesis, and digital design is assumed.

Seminar Leaders


Melanie Berg


"Dr. Rod" Barto
NASA Office of Logic Design


Seminar Topics Will Include:


For more information please contact:

Richard B. Katz
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

2004 MAPLD International Conference Home Page

Home - NASA Office of Logic Design
Last Revised: February 03, 2010
Digital Engineering Institute
Web Grunt: Richard Katz