NASA Office of Logic Design

NASA Office of Logic Design

A scientific study of the problems of digital engineering for space flight systems,
with a view to their practical solution.

NASA Technical Memorandum 106810


Applications Catalog of Pyrotechnically Actuated Devices/Systems


Thomas L. Seeholzer
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio

Floyd Z. Smith, Charles W. Eastwood, and Paul R. Steffes
Analex Corporation
Brook Park, Ohio

January 1995


A compilation of basic information on pyrotechnically actuated devices/systems used in NASA aerospace and aeronautic applications was forrnated into a catalog. The intent is to provide (1) a quick reference digest of the types of operational pyro mechanisms and (2) a source of contacts for further details. Data on these items was furnished by the NASA Centers that developed and/or utilized such devices to perform specific functions on spacecraft, launch vehicles, aircraft and ground support equipment. Information entries include an item title, user center name, commercial contractor/vendor, identifying part number(s), a basic figure, briefly described purpose and operation, previous usage, and operational limits/requirements.

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