Title, Authors, Reference, Link | Abstract, Summary, Conclusions |
March 31, 2004 |
Executive Summary
Brederick E. Warnock |
Foreward: |
Challenge: Exploit benefits of programmable FPGAs safely in a harsh radiation environment. Topics Include: Discussion of radiation effects on functionality, observability (half-latches), and simulations. |
Odd url, please copy this into your browser: http://www.dtra.mil/td/td%5Ferric.html |
Electronics Radiation Response Information Center (ERRIC) The Electronics Radiation Response Information Center (ERRIC) is a large repository database (over 11,800 data sets) of electronic piecepart response to nuclear and space radiation. Maintained by DTRA as the successor to the Component Response Information Center, formerly operated by the Army Research Laboratory, ERRIC makes data readily available to the nuclear and space effects on electronics hardening and hardness assurance communities. The ERRIC data has been cleared for public release. ERRIC DATABASE The information stored in the ERRIC database contains device information (type, manufacturer, sample size), piecepart identification (lot number, serial number, and date of manufacture), test information (testing facility, date of test, test descriptions) and supplemental information. The ERRIC collection has been upgraded to a FoxPro database, allowing more versatile and user-friendly queries. |
Boeing Space and Communications, Seattle, WA Thirteenth Biennial Single Effects Symposium |
Includes a nice table comparing different flip-flop hardening techniques vs. power, area, speed, and hardness. (May 7, 2002) |
JPL/California Institute of Technology Thirteenth Biennial Single Effects Symposium |
Tales from the Cave
Examples include SDRAMs and the Power PC (May 7, 2002) |
R. Velazco, F. Faure: TIMA-QLF Thirteenth Biennial Single Effects Symposium |
A discussion of proposed test methods for performing
SEE characterization of FPGAs. The Altera MAX7000, a 3.3V EEPROM-based PLD will be
the test vehicle. (May 6, 2002) Could not make a .pdf file. |
Latent Damage From Single-Event Latchup Heidi N. Becker, Tetsuo F. Miyahira, and Allan H. Johnston Jet Propulsion Laboratory Thirteenth Biennial Single Effects Symposium |
Note: Better image quality in the .ppt file. (May 2, 2002) |
Degradation of Satellite
Electronics Produced by Energetic Electrons
D.R. Hollars, J.F. Janni, and M.F. Schneider Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets |
Abstract A detailed radiation shielding analysis has been performed of an advanced design U.S. Air Force spacecraft, which contains several thousand complementary metal oxide semiconductors (CMOS). In order to precisely determine the on-orbit radiation dose to these semiconductors, a very extensive computer model of the entire satellite was prepared using engineering drawings, photographs, and direct measurements. Radiation transport calculations were then performed using this model, considering high-energy electrons entering through 512 solid angles to determine the electron radiation doses for a carefully selected sample of representative CMOS in each electronics subsystem. Shielding was then designed for the more sensitive components, with considerable care given to mass minimization. Simple design improvements in CMOS packaging and circuit board orientation can produce substantial increases in component lifetime with almost no weight penalty. |
Barillot, C.; Calvel, P. |
Abstract Single-event effects (SEEs) have been observed in space since 1975. This paper is a short inventory of the single-event anomalies encountered in flight on operational satellites. Initially, a brief outline of the events and their origins is traced, and the various parameters involved in the analysis of the anomalies are described. Finally, various SEE anomalies are presented. |
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science |
Abstract With the sharp decline in the availability of radiation-hardened devices from manufacturers, as well as the desire to shrink power, weight, and volume of spacecraft systems, the use of devices that are susceptible to single-event effects (SEEs) has become commonplace. We present herein a perspective and user's tool for understanding SEE's and potential system-level mitigation techniques. |
Robin H. Passow, J. Christiansen, R. Rabe, and K. Golke IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science |
Abstract A radiation-hard 16kx1 SRAM with a typical access time of less than 100 ns and total dose hardness to 1E6 rads(SiO2) has been developed. Extensive radiation characterization has been performed with the aid of a test system developed to support testing in various radiation environments including total dose, dose rate upset, dose rate survival, dose rate photocurrent, and single event upset. Total dose testing of the 16kx1 included characterization of critical ac tiing parameters as a function of dose as well as observation of standby current behavior as a function of array pattern. Dose rate tests were designed to explore the SRM's sensitivities to Vdd, temperature, memory cell resistor value, dose rate pulse width, operational mode, and array pattern. Single event upset testing was also performed under a matrix of test conditions, including variations in supply voltage, temperature, memory cell resistor value, and particle angle of incidence. This paper describes 16kx1 SRAM radiation test procedures and characterization test results. |
Radiation Hardness Assurance Issues Associated with COTS in JPL Flight Systems: The Challenge of Europa Charles Barnes and Allan Johnston |
Abstract With the decreasing availability of radiation hardened electronics and the new NASA paradigm of faster, more aggressive and less expensive space missions, there has been an increasing emphasis on using high performance commercial microelectronic parts and circuits in NASA spacecraft. The use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) parts and circuits in space systems poses many potential problems, especially with regard to radiation hardness assurance (RHA) for JPL planetary missions. This is particularly true for the proposed JPL mission to Europa where the radiation requirement is very high. In this paper, we discuss COTS RHA issues within the context of the needs of a mission like Europa. |
Years of Flight Experience with the UoSAT Microsatellites
Craig I. Underwood Proceedings European Space Components Conference |
ABSTRACT Over the past 18 years the University of Surrey has gained significant experience of the behaviour of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies in space, through the design, manufacture and operation of fifteen low-Earth orbiting satellites carrying out communications, remote-sensing, space-science, military, and technology demonstration missions. Several of these spacecraft have carried radiation monitoring payloads which have enabled the behaviour of the COTS devices to be characterised with respect to the measured ionising radiation environment. This paper reports on the principal effects observed, and describes, in general, the various methodologies that have been used to minimise the risk associated with the use of COTS devices in these spacecraft. Resilient error-detection and correction coding schemes are shown to be important to protect spacecraft data and control software, as is the need for adequate levels of shielding against total ionising radiation dose. |
Draft_1019_5.pdf | Radiation Test Standard (Draft) |
Sexton, F.W.; Hash, G.L.; Connors, M.P.; Murray, J.R.; Schwank, J.R.;
Wlnokur, P.S.; Bradley, E.G. |
Abstract (excerpt) The Westinghouse SA3823 64K E2PROM radiation-hardened SONOS non-volatile memory exhibited a single-event-upset (SEU) threshold in the read mode of 60 MeV-cm2/mg and 40 MeV-cm2/mg for data latch errors. The minimum threshold for address latch errors was 35 MeV-cm2/mg. Hard errors were observed with Kr at VP = 8.5V and with Xe at programming voltages (VP) as low as 7.5 V. No hard errors were observed with Cu at any angle up to VP=11V. The system specification of no hard errors for Ar ions or lighter was exceeded. No single-event latchup (SEL) was observed in these devices for the conditions examined. |
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